Creating value by bringing the best of technology and people together.
Government and business IT leaders are trapped between conflicting priorities. Focus solely on security and staff can’t be productive by working from anywhere. Focus too much on access and you open the business up to a data breach. So, where do you spend your limited IT budget? We needed to demonstrate that, not only do NEC understand but, thanks to their partnership with Cisco, they have the tech to solve both halves of the issue.
NEC Subject Matter Expert interview revealed the complexity of choice is bamboozling clients. Everyone is claiming their tools are best where, the truth is, NEC and Cisco can offer a truly wide breadth of tech options and the expertise to tailor them. The ideal is a self-healing network where faults are found quickly and corrected without delay.
Every time a staff member uses a device, it’s a risk. Mobiles. Laptops. Desktops. The device is the problem. Which is why, to demonstrate this ever-present danger, we filmed all our content on a mobile. We see from the POV of an IT leader. What staff see innocent, our IT leader knows is dangerous – she even catches herself taking a risk. The answer is finding how to deliver ‘Hybrid everything. Secure everywhere. For everyone.’ The awareness film was supported by a range of deep dive content.
The campaign drove brand awareness and quality leads
With 170 quality leads delivered
Over 180,000 impressions across Linkedin and ITnews
Over 8,000 opens of the solus edm to target audience
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