To educate the community about the value of the education and training sector and provide meaningful student experiences which add depth to the city's social fabric.
Study Gold Coast wanted to change perceptions and highlight the Gold Coast as a welcoming and safe study destination for local and international students, supporting the marketing efforts of the major Gold Coast educational institutions.
The Gold Coast is home to a diverse mix of 25,000 students from 130 nations.
Our content mission was to Celebrate Diversity as we set about re-framing the way people think about the Gold Coast.
We highlighted the Gold Coast’s forward-thinking education facilities and diverse mix of students and invited students internationally to join #OURHUMANRAINBOW.
We placed the students at the heart of the content-led campaign and across all creative outputs.
Hero films featuring international students meeting locals for the very first time in an embrace.
A human rainbow created on the beaches of the gold coast with live crosses from sunrise on 7.
A website with 30 individual student story films.
Advocacy and PR.
YouTube reach 4.2million and 1.6M views
Facebook and Instagram total reach 3.6M+ uniques / CPC $0.06 / CTR 4.61%
6.9% Youtube CTR (benchmark 1.5%)
44,000 social media actions (Facebook and Instagram)